Frequently asked questions.
Are you a professional photographer?
Yes! But I think a better question is; "Do you love what you do?" Because from the first time you meet with me you will see my passion for what I do shine through. I get very excited when talking about photography. I get even more excited while actually doing it. It's the best job in the world, let me prove it to you!Do you have a back-up camera?
Yes! I also backup my digital files while I shoot to a portable hard-drive and image viewer! I'll might even share some amazing images while we are photographing your wedding or engagement!
Do we get to keep the files?
Yes! You can download all the files from your gallery. Do you shoot in RAW or JPEG?
Great question. I only utilize the highest quality files possible. The RAW format or uncompressed image format is far superior to jpg's. The files are 3 times larger and hold millions of more colors than a jpg can. The extra space they take up is worth it. The priceless moments captured should never be left to question.
Do you backup my pictures?
Yes, always. Here's how: On two memory cards while shooting, then immediately when I get back to the office, they all get placed on a two hard drives and uploaded to the cloud automatically. Next, they are sorted and labeled correctly. Once edited, they are uploaded on-line for your friends and family to view.
Do you charge to travel? How far will you go?
Usually no. Only if it is 30 miles outside of the Vancouver/Portland Metro. For distances over 2 hours away we require a hotel room that’s safe and cozy.
I travel a lot for fun! I have a passport & TSA pre-check.
Will our Friends and Family be able to see the Wedding Pictures On-line?
Yes. You will be provided with access to a password protected site with all the images from your wedding after the wedding. Your friends and family may order prints or other products from the site.
Should we do group pictures (formals) before or after our wedding?
Before! Sure, there is the part about seeing the Bride before the wedding...but this is easily solved! We'll setup a time to photograph you both as you first see each other! This gives the best images of the expression on your faces and truly helps relieve any butterflies you both might have. Doing the group formals (and sometimes informal) before the wedding really makes things flow smoothly and allows everyone to really have fun as soon as the wedding is over! You don't want to make your guests stand around and wait for the photographer to finish! We can finish most group formals depending on the size in about 30 minutes! If time runs under it gives us a chance to get some fun shots with the entire wedding party! About 5 minutes per group of people is a good way to figure out how much time it will take.
Do we get to choose our images for the album?
Yes. You will get to choose many images, depending on the size of the album. You can choose less or more. These images will be setup in a custom layout and beautifully edited to truly tell the best story of your day. Turning the pages will be an emotional ride. We offer finely crafted layflat leather albums (but they could be made of plexiglass, canvas, or even metal!) or we have coffee table style albums. We will work with you to really create a memorable album.
Black and White or Color?
It's everything! Color, Black and white and that one antique look too (sepia). We have a variety of methods and techniques to professionally edit the images in any way you like. We have many hours of hands-on training from certified Adobe professionals. If you need some assurance, take a closer look at the wedding gallery. Many of our clients tell us that they really love us because the color in our images just 'pops'!
Are the images and albums going to last forever?
The prints are of museum archival quality and they will withstand normal wear and tear; without fading and curling. The albums are of very high quality and they too will be free of problems for at least 100 years.
If your really worried, keep in mind...the images are digital. They will never fade. Your memories are safe and that is very important. You will also receive a copy of all the files on a Archival DVD.
How long does it take to get our album?
Time varies due to volume of albums being made, the time of year and the production schedule of the album manufacture. All of the images are carefully edited and placed in a unique layout. The goal for me is to tell a story and truly capture the wedding in the most beautiful way. Usually 3 to 4 months.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact me.